Designer Clothes
on Demand

Compare and rent your next designer dress from individual and business lenders

About Us

Designerex™ is the world’s largest peer-to-peer designer dress sharing platform. We combine the sharing economy and leading technology such as real-
time ID verification, with high-end designer clothing, enabling women to tap into underutilised designer clothes and wear designer to all their events, or
to make money by securely sharing their designer dresses with others.

Our peer to peer sharing platform connects designer dress owners with women looking for a designer dress to wear and vice versa. We have collaborated
with individual designer dress owners and leading designer dress rental businesses to offer the most comprehensive marketplace, for women to securely
discover, book and wear their next designer dress. With a combination of endless social events, the extraordinary rise of social media and now a secure
platform to rent and lend designer clothing, there is now no limitation to owning and wearing designer fashion.

We ultimately believe that with the fast growing on-demand revolution spreading rapidly throughout the world, sharing high-end designer clothing
securely, is the smart and next logical step in the wearing and ownership of designer clothes.

Global Technology & Business Partners

We have collaborated with only the best technology and business partners to bring you the most advanced and secure designer clothes sharing marketplace.


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